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We are about community building and contributing to the church and larger community...

AUW sponsors activities for members and friends to promote our three pillars—community building, spiritual deepening, and bringing our faith to action to work for women’s justice.


AUW proudly supports our First Universalist Community with monetary contributions that have included the labyrinth, items for the kitchen, and an ensemble of gifts commissioned for our child dedication ritual. Our contributions have also been in-kind —developing women leaders, mentoring young women, and continually initiating and incubating innovative ideas and programs. AUW also contributes money to our women’s rights campaign partners and to various women’s advocacy organizations in the Twin Cities.





We are about spiritual deepening…

We encourage women to reflect on and ground their AUW relationships and justice work in their UU values and principles. We did this in 2005 when we invited Star King Seminary president, Rev. Rebecca Parker, to preach on AUW Sunday and facilitate a day-long workshop. Parker led us deeper to a more profound understanding that relationships are at the heart of spiritual development and that spiritual maturity depends on our awakening and responding to the needs of the world.


We are about bringing our faith to action in the world on behalf of women…

AUW has a proud and visible history of fighting for and defending women’s rights. AUW women like Dru Cummins, Betty Benjamin, and Sharon Bishop played national roles in the struggle. In 2006, Betsy Allis led a special AUW task force which engaged UU women in discerning our vision and strategy around women’s justice. This led to a program that focused on involving UU women in yearlong campaigns to protect women’s rights.

Our Mission


Creating community, deepening our spirit, bringing UU faith into action on behalf of other women.


"The mission of AUW is to engage women in strengthening and deepening each other in religious community - our whole lives long - and to manifest that collective strength by working  to improve women's lives."

AUW Promotional Video

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