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AUW has been a dynamic force in the life of First Universalist Church of Minneapolis since 1905! Generations of women have gathered under our umbrella to connect with each other, to deepen our faith, and act on our beliefs by serving the community.
Healthy Sandwich

The Sandwich Project
Saturday, January 25
4-7 pm
First Universalist Church
3400 Dupont Ave S., Minneapoli

This gathering, organized and planned by Sandy Culpepper and Beth Mahutchin, combines the fun and friendship of a potluck dinner and a service project making sandwiches for our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. This event is open to AUW members and friends and their families including children who are over age 10. The event time has been changed to avoid a conflict with the Peter Meyer concert at 7 pm in the sanctuary. The Sandwich Project event will begin at 4 pm with participants making 200 sandwiches. Health regulations require that workers wear gloves, masks and either a hairnet, a hat or tied back long hair. Gloves, masks and hairnets will be provided. The organizers will supply all the necessary ingredients and supplies for sandwich making. Jane Jordan has obtained a generous grant from Thrivent of $250 which will fund the sandwich supplies. The potluck will begin at 6 pm. allowing time for attendees to also attend the concert, if desired, but help with cleanup would also be greatly appreciated. Here is an RSVP form to let the organizers know who to expect, but feel free to just show up, even if you have not responded. If you are not feeling well, please do not come. There is no charge for this event, just bring a dish to share. Contributions to help fund future Sandwich Project sessions are welcome.

For more information about what The Sandwich Project is, click here.

Balloons Floating in the Air

Registration for AUW Spring Retreat is Open!

Celebrate the 25th anniversary of our AUW Spring Retreat, a safe, joyful space for reflection & renewal with like-minded sisters.  Early Bird discounted registration is available until January 31.

AUW Winter Event
Saturday, February 8 
10 am - 1:30 pm

Unleashing Creativity!

Our speaker will be Mary Helmin. Creative opportunities will include making a greeting card and planting a paper hyacinth bulb to take home. A chili lunch will be served. This event will be free to AUW members and $10 for non-members.

Women Who Read

Kao Kalia Yang 

   Guest Author joins virtually at AUW Book Club

Monday March 24, 2025 ALL ZOOM 8 PM - 9 PM

                                                        Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 4480 9909

Passcode: 758008

6-8pm Potluck dinner & conversation

7500 York Ave. Edina, Party Room 

Where Rivers Part, A Story of My Mother’s Life is

told in the voice of Kalia’s mother, with great tenderness. Born in 1961 in war-torn Laos, Tswb’s childhood was marked by the violence of America’s Secret War and the CIA recruitment of the Hmong and other ethnic minorities into the lost cause. By the time Tswb was a teenager, the US had completely vacated Laos, and the country erupted into genocidal attacks on the Hmong people, who were labeled as traitors. Fearing for their lives, Tswb and her family left everything they knew behind and fled their village for the jungle. Kalia  was born in the refugee camp in Thailand. Her older sister, Der was born in Laos. They eventually made their home in St. Paul, Minnesota


*An Honorarium will be collected in person. Zoom only? We’ll provide a method


*First Universalist Daytime Connections Guest Author - December 2024 

*Minnesota Star Tribune’s 2024 Artist of the Year

*Four time winner of Minnesota Book Awards     

*Recognized by the Guggenheim Foundation,the National Endowment for the Arts 

*Awarded an honorary doctorate from Carleton College 

*Four books published in 2024  See her website: Kao Kalia Yang


The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir focuses on her grandmother who lives with Yang’s family in St.Paul.

The Song Poet,  a love story of a daughter for her father, a father for his children, a people for their land, their traditions, and all that they have lost.

What God is Honored Here?: Writings on Miscarriage and Infant Loss By and For Native Women and Women of Color. Kao Kalia Yang co-edited this groundbreaking book. 


Quote from Kalia: “My books are so much about the strength of human beings and the power of love.  And isn’t that the greatest statement about humanity?”

Join or Renew Your Membership!

It's that time of year again. Join or renew your AUW membership! There is a new, promotional "Try Us!"discounted membership tier for brand new members who have never been part of AUW before!

Dues for a regular AUW Membership for next year have increased to $40. (Like everything else, our costs have risen.) Our Student/Low Income rate remains at $15 per year. (If your budget dictates that you need to pay less, just join at that level). The new "Try Us!" membership level is for women who have never been AUW members previously to try out membership for a year at the same cost as our Student/Low Income members. We also have added an opportunity to make an additional contribution to AUW to support our program fund. Look for it on the membership page!


AUW Newsletter

AUW publishes a newsletter with all our latest activities and announcements.  Sign up to have it delivered direct to your inbox!  And best of all, it's free!  Here is a link to the current Newsletter

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